Friday, May 30, 2008

hey douchebag—i was using that barbell

i'm gonna rant for a quick minute here...

one of my biggest pet peeves is when people take equipment i am obviously using. let me paint a little picture here. i work out around 3pm, the gym is pretty dead at this time, which makes it perfect for me to do crossfit. i do my warm-up, then set-up a bar on some plates to do sumo deadlift high-pulls (sdhp) which happens to be the first exercise in the wod after a 1 mile run. i set my stuff up, leave my water bottle there and hop on the treadmill for a quick mile run. i return to where i had left said barbell, and some douchebag took the barbell off of the weights and put it in the squat rack to do some lame 1/4 squats— mind you there are 2 other empty fuckin barbells just sitting there that he could have used. oh, did i mention he also moved the plates i had set-up to give me some height for the sdhp's? in crossfit most workouts are done 'for time' which means you better hurry the fuck up and when people move your shit it takes valuable seconds off your time—ya this bitch is competitive; don't fuck with my equipment and slow down my time.

thursday, may 29, 2008

BW: 113#

Run 1 mile : 7:35

Two minutes of each:
Row (sub 45# sdhp): 43
30 pound Dumbbell thrusters (20#) 25
20 pound Medicine ball cleans (14#) 25
Double-unders: 90
Pull-ups: 34

total: 217

Post total time and total reps plus calories (from row) to comments.

that was tough. i don't have a rower so i had to sub 45# sdhp's. db thrusters were the worst, med ball cleans sucked per usual. hit a double under pr of 40 unbroken. arms were destroyed by the time i got to pull-ups.

pre: wux1
post: nothing


all good. zoned all day, with the usually food but was extra hungry. ate a little extra almond butter before bed, but did not wake up hungry during the night!

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