Wednesday, September 17, 2008

core punisher

i've been feeling rather blah as of late. coming home after a great trip to calgary, and going from being around people who 'get it' back to being around people who think i am some sort of freak is exhausting. i'm tired of explaining why i eat the way i do, train the way i train, and live the way i live. somedays i want tell everyone to go fuck themselves. sadly the one person here that gets that part of me is the one person i cannot allow myself to talk to. anyway, yesterdays workout...

tuesday, september 16, 2008


3 rounds of:

800m run
50 back extensions
50 sit-ups

time: 17:30

pre: wux2
post: nothing

i'm not a fan of this wod, runs over 400m kill me!
diet is ok, however i have been extreamly hungry. had about 10 extra almonds and then some damn chocolate covered cashews. augh.

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